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versão On-line ISSN 1981-2582
OLIVEIRA, Raquel Gomes de e GIORGRGI, Cristiano Amaral Garboggggini Di. Princípios da cognição situada e as diretrizes curriculares nacionais para a formação de professores. Educação. Porto Alegre [online]. 2011, vol.34, n.03, pp.360-368. ISSN 1981-2582.
This article seeks to demonstrate that the concept of situated cognition can be fruitful for teacher training processes and therefore to the pedagogical practice of teaching courses. Thus, we present the theoretical frameworks and approaches brought by this concept and, through them, point out that the national guidelines for training teachers of basic education, both set by the CNE/CP 09/2001 and by the CNE/CP 01/2002, may be more richly operationalized when taking into account the aforementioned theoretical frameworks. We bring further examples of best teaching practices that suggest how this operationalization can happen in practice.
Palavras-chave : Situated Cognition; Teacher Education; Teaching Practice.