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Revista Teias
versão impressa ISSN 1518-5370versão On-line ISSN 1982-0305
SANTOS, Evanir Gomes dos. CHALLENGES OF THE EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE FOR DEAF STUDENTS IN THEIR OTHERNESS. Revista Teias [online]. 2023, vol.24, n.73, pp.160-171. Epub 24-Ago-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.
The international milestone of the inclusion policy achievements occurred with the Salamanca statement, which guarantees the right to education of deaf persons. These achievements, in Brazil, acquires greater visibility with the publication of post-1988 Federal Constitution laws and official documents who advise on this teaching, both in public and private institutions, with pedagogical support consistent with its specificities and also recognize the deaf population’s social, historical and cultural references. The present study analyzed the educational process of deaf students under the theoretical contribution of authors how Lodi (2011), Perlin and Strobel (2008), Miorando (2006), Quadros and Schmiedt (2006), Mantoan (2003), among other supports to the theme, and also on the legislation basis of deaf people education and culture. This study is exploratory from the point of view of its objective, and bibliographical and documental due to its procedures. Our outcomes point out several challenges which pervade an accommodation of the educational organization, which not only reaffirms the stiffening of the educational practice — thereby hindering the teaching-learning process —, but also suppresses the identity expression, namely, the deprivation of deaf people´s natural language. The findings suggest, therefore, the need to reflect on inclusive educational policies, and, in particular, on the adequacy of the initial or continuing teacher training, the awareness of parents of deaf students and — in the field of linguistics — on the absence and / or nonimplementation of public policies for didactic practices encouraging the use of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras).
Palavras-chave : education in inclusion; deaf student; alterity (otherness).