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Revista Teias
versão impressa ISSN 1518-5370versão On-line ISSN 1982-0305
CONTE, Elaine; TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz e SANTOS, Fabiane Rodrigues dos. THE POLITICAL AND CITIZEN EDUCATION OF THE TEACHER: fight for the human. Revista Teias [online]. 2023, vol.24, n.74, pp.38-54. Epub 06-Dez-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.
The purpose of the discussion is to map and discuss production on education policies and management in Brazil and their interfaces in the field of political training of basic education teachers. For this, we analyze the meaning of emerging policies and management in education, and we also investigate possible contemporary proposals for the political training of educators, laying the theoretical foundations of (trans)forming modes of practice, against the grain of the neoliberal capitalist world. The work contemplates some education policies and the knowledge that arise and are renewed in the present time, feeding forms of (re)existence of being a teacher. In times of crisis, the journey of the Brazilian teacher from basic education to graduate school is exhausting and undervalued, demanding immediate, quick actions that are disconnected from joint projects. Hermeneutic research contextualizes the permanent attitude of reviewing studies, having training strategies connected to educational policies as a creation horizon. It is inspired by the (re)construction of knowledge and references in the field, seeking to understand the experience of political and civic education of the teacher that we are living, so that it is possible to shelter the plurality of the human.
Palavras-chave : educational policies; school management; political background.