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Educação e Filosofia
versão impressa ISSN 0102-6801versão On-line ISSN 1982-596X
FRANCO, Patrícia Lopes Jorge e LONGAREZI, Andréa Maturano. Elementos constituintes e constituidores da formação continuada de professores: contribuições da Teoria da Atividade. Educação e Filosofia [online]. 2011, vol.25, n.50, pp.557-582. ISSN 1982-596X.
This article systematizes the theoretical methodological assumptions of Activity Theory Leontiev (1983), focusing on the constitutive and constitutors elements of the teacher’s continuous formation. Firstly, it presents a synthesis of anthropological and philosophical foundations that lines the leontievian view, considering categories work; conscience; objectiveness; and alienation as well as the human development in its complexity. It discusses the constitutive elements of Activity Theory: dominant activity, structure of activity, social meaning and personal meaning. Based on this theoretical corpus, it analyzes the teacher’s formation as activity, taken as the dominant activity in what the teacher develops his/herself. The activity is the initial and final point of the professional formative process since it makes possible the direct approach of formative action content and their needs. It is concluded that the constitutive and constitutors elements of continued formation, in this perspective, are enablers of human-social development and contribute to the overcoming of the ruptures between the sense and meaning of this formation.
Palavras-chave : Continued Teacher’s Formation; Activity Theory; Social Meaning; Personal Sense; Dominant Activity.