Serviços Personalizados
versão On-line ISSN 1984-7114
COSSETIN, Márcia; BROTTO, Ivete Janice de Oliveira e PAULA, Carla Ramos de. As diretrizes curriculares nacionais para o curso de pedagogia: sentidos possíveis. Contrapontos [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.03, pp.586-600. ISSN 1984-7114.
In this article we discuss the production of some statements present in the National Curricular Guidelines (NCGs) for the Education Course. The aim is to contribute to the discussions on the NCGs, based on some of the statements present in the discourse printed there, stimulating reflection on the constitutive and specific aspects of the context. We demonstrate that these statements, which are: citizenship, information, skills, and knowledge of plurality and equanimity, present in the document, reveal their consistency with the form of capitalist organization of society and not with search for a fruitful and useful training, allowing an understanding of the social reality, in this education itself, by knowledge. We conducted an analysis showing the path of construction of the NCGs, and the extent to which consensual negation between the various parties involved may have originating and produced meanings that disengage the course as a trainer of professionals to work in and for education, not restricted to performance in the classroom. We carried out a review of the literature and the theoretical support of Mikhail M. Bakhtin, who studies and theorizes about language. From the analysis, we learned that the production of NCGs, in the way they could be built, gave way to ideological productions that link the training of teachers with statements present in the context of the current social organization, demonstrating the convergence for the maintenance of society, in the way in which it is organized today.
Palavras-chave : NCGs; Statements; Society.