Serviços Personalizados
Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicacíon y Educacíon
versão On-line ISSN 1988-3293
MARIN-JUARROS, Victoria I.; NEGRE-BENNASAR, Francisca e PEREZ-GARCIAS, Adolfina. Entornos y redes personales de aprendizaje (PLE-PLN) para el aprendizaje colaborativo. Comunicar [online]. 2014, vol.21, n.42, pp.35-43. ISSN 1988-3293.
In this article we approach the topic of collaborative learning by means of the creation and maintenance of personal learning environments and networks (PLE and PLN) and their integration within institutional virtual learning environments (VLE) as strategies to enhance and foster collaborative learning. We take an educational point of view: the student learns independently and carries out activities in groups to achieve common goals. Our aim is to experiment with didactical methodologies of integration between the institutional VLE and PLE, and to analyze the university students’ construction of PLE. Due to its importance in facilitating and fostering collaborative learning, special emphasis is placed on the construction of the personal learning network. We performed a design-based research on an academic course for Primary teachers. The results show that the students construct their PLE and PLN using newly acquired knowledge and that an appropriate methodological integration takes place between these environments and the institutional VLE for integrated learning. As conclusion, we propose an integrative methodological model for collaborative learning as a good practice.
Palavras-chave : Personal Learning Environments; Personal Learning; Collaborative Learning; Higher Education; Blended Learning; Open Learning; Teaching Innovation; Twitter.