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Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicacíon y Educacíon
versão On-line ISSN 1988-3293
GEWERC, Adriana; MONTERO, Lourdes e LAMA, Manuel. Colaboración y redes sociales en la enseñanza universitaria. Comunicar [online]. 2014, vol.21, n.42, pp.55-63. ISSN 1988-3293.
This paper presents an exploratory analysis of the experience of educational innovation in the configuration of a social learning network in a subject for the Education degree course at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). This innovation is based on the premise of student-centered teaching (independent learning, self-regulated, authentic and breaking boundaries between formal and informal areas) enriched with collaborative activities. The study aims to analyze the intensity and relevance of the student´s contributions in this collaborative framework. We used learning analytics tools with two types of techniques: social network analysis (SNA) and information extraction, to measure the intensity, centrality and relevance of collaboration among students. The results obtained allow us to confirm: 1) The consistency and coherence between the pedagogical approach and the option of using a social network in university education; 2) A dense network with a high level of interaction, a moderate degree of centrality and a low centralization index (structure moves away from star), with a group with the capacity to influence the rest (degree of betweenness); 3) High level of relevance to the content analyzed; 4) The usefulness of learning analytics techniques to guide teacher decision-making.
Palavras-chave : University Teaching; Learning; Innovation; Collaboration; Social Networking; E-Portfolio; Personal Learning Environments; Learning Analytics.