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Psicologia da Educação
versão impressa ISSN 1414-6975versão On-line ISSN 2175-3520
BRINO, Rachel de Faria e LIMA, Maria Helena do Carmo Gomes. Understanding students bullied: to whom they disclose?. Psic. da Ed. [online]. 2015, n.40, pp.27-39. ISSN 2175-3520.
Bullying is a worldwide phenomenon and can lead to several emotional and physical costs to those involved. One of the strategies considered essential for the successful development of many anti-bullying programs is the revelation by the victim. However, studies show that most victims do not reveal. Despite the large number of cases found in international studies for non-disclosure, there are no national data about the revelation. The objective of this study was to characterize the revelation bullied in a private school in the state of São Paulo. The participants were35students from 10 to 12 years, who answered a questionnaire regarding their involvement in bullying and a second questionnaire which assessed whether these students revealed bullies. 82.85% of the students had already made the revelation to someone. Girls(20%) revealed to a friend;17.15% of the students of both sexes revealed to the mother; 2.7% reported for the school coordinator and no students revealed to the teacher. Students also indicated expect attitudes after the revelation, as to talk to the offender, to be available to listen to the victim and assist her in solving the problem. It was found that, if the intimidation still persisted, the strategies applied by parents and coordinator may have been ineffective. Despite the students, parents and school staff have access of information about bullying, it is important that strategies be devised to combat it.
Palavras-chave : Bullying; School; Intimidation.