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versão On-line ISSN 2175-8042
BELATO, Ana Kelly de Morais Silva; CARNEIRO, Fernando Henrique Silva e ATHAYDE, Pedro Fernando Avalone. Analysis of the program “Bolsa Atleta” at the University of Brasilia from 2011 to 2015. Rev. Motriviv. [online]. 2019, vol.31, n.57, e55300. Epub 15-Out-2019. ISSN 2175-8042.
In 2005, the Ministry of Sports created the Athlete Scholarship Program as a support for athletes to devote themselves to training and local competitions. After this initiative of the Federal Government, we identify similar actions in the university scope, especially in the federal Universities. In view of this diagnosis, this article intends to analyze preliminarily the University of Brasília Scholarship Program (PBA-UnB) from 2011 to 2015. Outlining the critical-dialectical theoretical-methodological approach, we adopted the procedures of documentary survey and bibliographic research. For the analysis of the collected data, we used aspects and indicators of the analytical model of social policies of Boschetti, (2009). The initial results demonstrate that PBA-UnB has restricted coverage and focused service, but with potential for expansion. It is observed that the program oscillates between the hegemony of the evaluation standards of the sport of income and the alignment with university politics and the democratic and inclusive role of the public university.
Palavras-chave : Public policies; University sports; Bolsa atleta.