Serviços Personalizados
Revista Exitus
versão On-line ISSN 2237-9460
PAREDES, Alejandro; AGUIRRE, Jimena; BENITO, Patricia V. e VITALITI, José María. PEDAGOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND SOCIAL INCLUSION: A Study of the Supports Provided by the Personal Networks of Students at the Bachillerato Popular Furilofche, Argentina. Rev. Exitus [online]. 2020, vol.10, e020056. Epub 31-Mar-2022. ISSN 2237-9460.
Occasionally, school practices are planned without considering the everyday context of students who face adversity, school trajectories with failures and stigmatization. In this way, stories and particularities of learning subjects that influence the appropriation of knowledge remain invisible. The purpose of this article is to use Social Network Analysis to study the personal networks of young people and adults who attend a "Popular Bachelor" in the city of Bariloche, Argentina. According to the institution's educational actors, the following were analyzed: 1) the types of support provided by their personal networks, dividing them into emotional, tangible, informational and axiological support; 2) the nuclei of these networks based on the tracking of people with whom important issues are discussed and 3) the issues discussed in these nuclei. The methodology involved conducting a semi-structured interview, focused on the students of the “Bachillerato Popular” and interviews with the main references. Subsequently, we worked with Egonet software, for graphics and analysis of personal networks. As a result, it is observed that these types of studies contribute to interpret the potential of certain didactic strategies over others and to understand what are the differences between personal relationships outside and within school contexts.
Palavras-chave : Analysis of Personal Networks; Popular education; Friendship technologies.