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Revista Brasileira de História da Educação

versão impressa ISSN 1519-5902versão On-line ISSN 2238-0094


FARRERO, Jordi Garcia  e  ZARATE, Raúl Navarro. Celestina Vigneaux Cibils (1878-1964): commitment to an idea of school conceived as a home of health and culture for everyone. Rev. Bras. Hist. Educ [online]. 2024, vol.24, e328.  Epub 17-Jun-2024. ISSN 2238-0094.

In this article the authors approach the figure of Celestina Vigneaux (1878-1964) who is part of the first generation of the pedagogical renewal movement. This study is motivated by two reasons: on the one hand, she was the teacher who introduced school canteens as a hygienist but also educational and cultural practice and, on the other, she carried out Maria Montessori's method in a public school in the city of Barcelona. All of this represents an opportunity to recover the historical memory of a teacher with a very solid pedagogical training and thinking. Her name cannot fall into oblivion or be overshadowed by the equally interesting biographical trajectories of her husband (Pere Coromines) and some of her children (Joan Coromines). This is, therefore, a study that has been carried out through the hermeneutics of the main texts published by Celestina Vigneaux, the main contemporary authors of this teacher and, of course, reference works of the History of Catalan Pedagogy.

Palavras-chave : pedagogical renovation; school canteen; Montessori; history of Catalan pedagogy.

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