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Regae: Revista de Gestão e Avaliação Educacional
versão On-line ISSN 2318-1338
GOERGEN, Guilherme; BIHAIN, Anderson Luis Jeske; BLASS, Leandro e ALBANO, Claudio Sonaglio. PROFILE OF GRADUATES: A STUDY ON THE BAGÉ CAMPUS OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PAMPA. Regae: Rev. Gest. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2023, vol.12, n.21, e74541. Epub 05-Abr-2024. ISSN 2318-1338.
Monitoring graduates of a higher education institution is an important component in its management, both to attest to the quality of training and to carry out self-assessment and review its educational policies. This work aimed to identify the profile of graduates from the Federal University of Pampa - Campus Bagé, under aspects such as the world of work, entrepreneurial profile and family socioeconomic situation. A descriptive research was carried out, with a quantitative approach, based on data collected through an electronic questionnaire. We highlight as main results, identifying the profile of graduates, highlighting the social and economic fragility of the region, the importance of the university in the professional life of graduates and its contribution to regional development.
Palavras-chave : graduates; university education; world of work; entrepreneurship; regional development.