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Educação & Formação
versão On-line ISSN 2448-3583
Educ. Form. vol.8 Fortaleza 2023 Epub 02-Jan-2024
Teaching learning in the pandemic: the UESB On-line Mentoring Program
iState University of Southwest Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. E-mail:
iiState University of Southwest Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. E-mail:
iiiState University of Southwest Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. E-mail:
ivState University of Southwest Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. E-mail:
vState University of Southwest Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. E-mail:
viState University of Southwest Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. E-mail:
This article aims to present the On-line Mentoring Program of the State University of Southwest Bahia, campus of Itapetinga, and the contributions to the initial and continued training of scholarship holders of the extension action. The qualitative and exploratory research covered the final reports of three scholarship holders of the program as an object of analysis. Data were analyzed through content analysis from two categories, namely: formative perspectives and construction of knowledge. The narratives revealed the contributions of this action in the process of understanding the entry into teaching, although the teaching learning of these scholarship holders includes sharing knowledge about teaching and how to teach, empathy with the other, knowledge about support and professional advice and a new look at the teaching-learning process, built by future professionals. Therefore, thinking about the teaching profession, its challenges and difficulties are relevant indicators for this Program.
Keywords: professional induction; mentoring program; teacher professional development; teaching learning; pandemic
Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o Programa de Mentoria On-line da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, campus de Itapetinga, e as contribuições para a formação inicial e continuada de bolsistas da ação de extensão. A pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória abarcou os relatórios finais de três bolsistas do programa como objeto de análise. Os dados foram analisados através da análise de conteúdo a partir de duas categorias, sendo: perspectivas formativas e construção de saberes. As narrativas revelaram as contribuições desta ação no processo de compreensão da entrada na docência, ainda que as aprendizagens da docência destas bolsistas incluem partilha de saberes sobre o ensinar e como ensinar, empatia com o outro, conhecimento sobre apoio e assessoramento profissional e um novo olhar sobre o processo ensino-aprendizagem, construídas pelas futuras profissionais. Portanto, pensar a profissão docente, seus desafios e dificuldades se configura como indicativos relevantes para esse Programa.
Palavras-chave: indução profissional; programa de mentoria; desenvolvimento profissional docente; aprendizagem da docência; pandemia
Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar el Programa de Mentoría en Línea de la Universidad Estatal del Suroeste de Bahía, campus de Itapetinga, y las contribuciones a la formación inicial y continua de los becarios de la acción de extensión. La investigación cualitativa y exploratoria abarcó los informes finales de tres becarios del programa como objeto de análisis. Los datos fueron analizados a través del análisis de contenido a partir de dos categorías, a saber: perspectivas formativas y construcción del conocimiento. Las narrativas revelaron los aportes de esta acción en el proceso de comprensión del ingreso a la docencia, aunque el enseñar-aprendizaje de estos becarios incluye compartir saberes sobre enseñar y cómo enseñar, empatía con el otro, saberes sobre apoyo y asesoramiento profesional y una nueva mirada sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, construido por los futuros profesionales. Por lo tanto, pensar en la profesión docente, sus desafíos y dificultades se presenta como indicadores relevantes para este Programa.
Palabras clave: inducción profesional; programa de mentoría; desarrollo profesional docente; aprendijage de la docencia; pandemia
1 Introduction
Teacher Professional Development (TPD) as a process of evolution and continuity that encompasses learning, is influenced (and influences) by a set of factors with potential impact on the professional life of the teacher. These will contribute to outline characteristics of each stage of the professional career. Recent studies (Ferreira; Anunciato, 2018a, 2018b; Ferreira, 2020, 2021a) point out that TPD is essential for the professional constitution of the teacher, for the improvement of teaching and institutional processes, for the change of the school and the learning in different spheres.
However, teacher training, teacher professional development and pedagogical practice should be the focus of discussion, and improvement. Furthermore, it should be a priority in public policies, given the impact they can have on the lives of teachers, students, and society as a whole, which has already been pointed out in other studies (Ferraz, 2016, 2020; Ferraz, R. D.; Ferreira; Ferraz, R. C., 2021) that signal the importance and effect of these themes.
TPD is not a static process, it moves, revealing, demarcating, and highlighting teaching. It presupposes that there is such thing as learning teaching, and this demands investments, knowledge, and training, with the school being the place for this professional learning.
It is in this sense that the Mentoring Program is configured as a possibility of support for teachers at the beginning of their careers, promoting permanence and mitigating difficulties (Reali; Tancredi; Mizukami, 2008, 2014, 2016). The Online Mentoring Program - Construir Docência (Construdoc), from the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), was implemented in 2021 and carried out as an outreach program, through which it was possible to produce the data analyzed here.
It was during the pandemic that the Program originated and its format contributed to the assistance of induction and training in the context of the health crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted people's social, political, cultural, economic, and educational life, changing their ways of seeing and experiencing things. The pandemic, more than a crisis, was also a test of survival for a government that treated it with recklessness. Therefore, the actions in this scenario of illness and death are the result of institutions and society in general, one of which is presented in this study.
We took as a reference the studies developed at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), which, for a long time, developed this type of program in Brazil, with teachers new to the profession as a theme, through the Portal dos Professores, having as a methodological axis the reflection of teachers about their pedagogical practices (Reali; Tancredi; Mizukami, 2008, 2014, 2016; Tancredi; Mizukami; Reali, 2012; Tancredi; Reali, 2011).
This Program brings the proposal of professional teaching induction which, according to Cruz, Farias, and Hobold (2020, p. 6), “[...] refers to the process of accompanying the beginner or novice teacher during their professional insertion”. This induction is configured, therefore, as a possibility of permanent learning, training in the context of teaching work, advice and guidance by other teachers, professional socialization, construction, and mobilization of knowledge, among others. For Ferreira (2021c, p. 5):
Induction refers to formative, relational and shared accompaniment. Still, it refers to an investment in the training and practical needs of the teacher who is experiencing professional insertion. Also, it presupposes planning and contributes by being a support for teachers, as it helps them to know and face the problems.
The insertion of beginner teachers must be a guided and advised process so that this teacher does not feel alone or “lost” in the face of the challenges of education, which are faced head on. Therefore, actions in the form of programs, courses, and events, aimed at assisting teachers at the beginning of their careers, in a follow-up process, can be characterized as professional induction activities. This anchors professional development and contributes to the promotion of learning and training perspectives.
Thus, we carried out qualitative research, which, according to Mineiro, Silva, and Ferreira (2022, p. 207), “[...] consists of an investigation approach that considers the subject's connection with the world and its relationships, not disregarding the subjectivity of the study participants or the researcher, understanding that it is not possible to develop an aseptic work”. It is also exploratory research, as intentionality referred to the exploration of the phenomenon.
Accordingly, we used as an object of analysis the narratives of three scholarship holders of the Program put in the final reports, which followed the UESB technical standard for this type of genre. We used Bardin's Content Analysis (2010) as a data analysis technique, which allowed us, in the pre-analysis, to know the data produced from the reports and a previous reading of them. Later, we were able to explore this material from other readings and records, which allowed two categories of analysis to emerge: 1) Formative perspectives; and 2) Construction of knowledge. Finally, we perform data processing, the result of which is set out in this article. This text, therefore, aims to present the UESB Online Mentoring Program, Itapetinga campus, and the contributions to the initial and continued training of scholarship holders of the outreach program.
2 UESB Online Mentoring Program: characteristics of the proposal
The UESB Online Mentoring Program was created as an outreach program and implemented in 2021 (July-December), from Public Notice No. 70/2021. It was conceived from the research project “Professional development and the Brazilian teaching career: dialogues with Basic Education teachers” and seeks to strengthen the Centro de Pesquisas e Estudos Pedagógicos (Cepep) and the Observatory of Teaching and Diversity at UESB-Itapetinga, which hosted the program.
The general objective of the Mentorship Program was to contribute to teacher training based on professional induction, stimulating processes of reflection on training and self-training that would make it possible to rethink teaching. In this way, the Program assisted beginner teachers (up to five years in their teaching career) of Basic Education who focused on investing in their professional development. The Program was carried out online, through the Google Classroom with experienced teachers acting as mentors, who were also included in the Program's actions. It was developed with a workload of 120 hours and structured in six stages, as described in Table 1.
Action planning | A) Planning the training of mentors: choosing texts for studies, dynamics, and activities; B) Online mentoring planning: the Program focuses on an open curriculum, which should emerge from the demands presented by the applicants, but with a selection of activities (and texts) to encourage the beginner teacher to feel comfortable, to speak, to dialogue, to collaborate, etc.; and also to define the themes of the meetings, as far as possible, be the target of interactions. |
Application and selection of mentor teachers and beginner teachers | Opening, through the Cepep page, the applications both for mentor teachers (profile: to be an effective teacher in the public Basic Education network in any area of knowledge with more than 15 years of experience in teaching; to be available to participate in the Program; and to be graduated in higher education) and for beginner teachers (profile: to be an effective teacher in the public Basic Education network in any area of knowledge with less than five years of experience in teaching; to be available to participate in the Program; and to be a graduate of a higher education course). Candidates for the Program should fill out a form with personal information and some professional questions. |
Training of mentor teachers | The selected mentors should participate in a training course offered by the Teaching and Diversity Observatory, based on virtual meetings, carrying out activities and assessment. In addition to this training, they should also participate in periodic meetings with the Program's organizing team to discuss the training process with the beginner teachers. |
Execution of online mentoring activities | Mentors and beginner teachers: this stage would involve the exchange of online messages between mentors and beginner teachers and, in these virtual meetings, there would be analysis of teaching cases, construction, and development of teaching and learning experiences, reflection on practice, assistance in specific questions, dilemmas, and difficulties. The mentor teacher would give the beginner teacher suggestions for practical and theoretical activities, among other orientations/assistance based on the demand of the novice teachers, and also record the events, activities, and learning of these meetings. Beginner teachers should also keep written records regarding their performance in the Program, their professional development, and teaching activities. |
Program Evaluation | In addition to procedural and continuous evaluation during the actions, an evaluation questionnaire would be applied to beginner teachers and mentors, aiming to evaluate the training actions. It would be up to the Program Execution Team, through interactions and dialogues in meetings, to evaluate the actions. |
Analysis of the data produced | Selection of data to meet the objectives of the research involved in the Program and to produce scientific products for the dissemination of knowledge. |
Source: Ferreira (2021c).
UESB vacancies for the Program were distributed as follows: 1) Beginner teacher - 60 openings; and 2) Mentor professor - 30 openings. A questionnaire was applied on the Google Form, having reached the enrollment of 63 mentors and 44 beginners. The selection of mentors was based on another Google Form questionnaire. After checking the criteria, 26 beginning teachers and 24 mentors were selected.
Two classes were organized: one for beginner teachers and another for mentors. The mentor teachers had between 16 and 34 years of experience in teaching, three men and 17 women, including people from the state of Bahia (most), Amazonas, São Paulo, Tocantins, and the Federal District who worked at all levels of education, from Basic Education to Higher Education. The beginner teachers had been teaching between three months and five years, at all levels of Basic Education in the state or municipal educational system, with three men and 21 women.
In both classes, short videos were made available, explaining questions such as: what is a mentoring program; how the UESB Program would work; what it means to be a mentor teacher; what it means to be a beginner, certification, and intervention research. Not everyone participated or interacted. Additionally, the pandemic affected teaching and its milieu, intensifying teaching work, which required even more hours of work from the teachers. Therefore, beginning teachers, who already experienced, at their core, the challenges and dilemmas of the starting of a career, were forced to learn to teach in a pandemic, with all the existing difficulties and limitations.
Mentor teachers participated in a course on mentoring with text readings, interaction activities, and written posts. They also participated, monthly, in meetings with the organizing team of the Program. During these sessions, the mentors shared with the beginners the anxieties, joys, and difficulties they faced during the activity. One of the biggest initial difficulties was keeping in touch with the beginners, as many did not respond. There were meetings with beginner teachers as well, but they rarely attended.
Several activities covered reading, analysis, production, and problematization of themes for mentor teachers and reading and analysis of texts and problem situations for beginning teachers. Other activities related to the texts included narratives about learning to teach by both groups of teachers and making a list of challenges in teaching practice arising from experiences (as a teacher or student), listening or reading only for beginners.
The Program was completed with nine beginner teachers, two of whom worked in Early Childhood Education, four in the early years of Elementary School, two in Early Childhood Education, and one in High School, who even made themselves available to continue in the Program in case of its continuity. Furthermore, this outreach program was offered sporadically, with only three scholarship holders. Many difficulties were faced for its implementation and achievement, however, we seek to overcome them, considering the gains. In this sense, the emergence of public policies was explicit to meet the initiation period of the teaching professional career and to make investments in this career period, offering the required conditions for the beginner teacher to assume their responsibilities successfully.
The Construdoc extension action took place in an online format, due the pandemic (Covid-19), which led to the implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). The health crisis scenario led to entirely new learning constructions. In addition to being the first time the Program has been offered, this also occurred in a period of exceptionality. For Ferreira (2022a), reinventing was necessary to teach and learn. Other studies indicate that it was found that, regardless of all this, learning was constant (Bortolin; Nauroski, 2022; Coelho; Gonçalves; Menezes, 2022; Cruz; Moura; Menezes, 2021; Félix, 2021; Ferreira, 2022b; Ferraz, R. D.; Ferreira; Ferraz, R. C., 2021; Ferraz; Ferreira; Silva, 2022; Pinheiro; Sena; Serra, 2022; Santos; Oliveira, 2021).
Other outreach program studies carried out at UESB, in the area of teacher training, demonstrate the importance of approaching this theme and its potential contribution, among these, the Mentoring Program (Ferraz et al., 2017; Ferreira et al., 2014, 2022).
3 Results and discussion
The outreach program in question had some scope, among them those linked to the training of human resources, more specifically, to the training of teachers and educators. Therefore, for this text, we analyzed the reports of the three scholarship holders of the Program. Thus, the analyzes were based on two categories of analysis, namely: 1) Formative perspectives; and 2) Construction of knowledge.
3.1 Training perspectives
The Program was developed during the Covid-19 pandemic and we recognize that teachers played a fundamental role during this period of crisis, not only for schooling to continue but also for hope to remain. Thus, having a trained professional to work with children, adolescents, young people, and adults has become essential. To Nóvoa and Alvim (2022, p. 27):
[...] the pandemic has made it clear that the potential for a response lies more with teachers than with policies or institutions. Well-prepared teachers, with autonomy, working together, inside and outside the school space, in connection with families, are always the best guarantee of timely and adequate solutions.
The activities developed during the Online Mentoring Program were intended to contribute to the professional development of teachers, stimulating processes of reflection on training, self-training, and teaching practice that would make it possible to rethink teaching, this extended to all those involved, beginner teachers, experienced teachers, scholarship holders and the Program's executing and collaborating teams. Thus, the professional perspective is approached and monitored in the Program. Therefore, regarding the activities developed in the extension action with their professional training, the scholarship holders mentioned that:
Still concerning my professional training, I was able to put myself in the shoes of both participants in the Program, especially in the shoes of beginner teachers, because sometimes I asked myself: 'What if it were me?'. Because start teaching is not what one imagines. Teachers deal with many challenges within the classroom, within the school, and beyond it. Teachers who are beginning to feel the weight that the responsibility that the name 'teacher' brings; feel fear, insecurity, and self-doubt, and often face the disbelief of others, which ends up making them more insecure. And why not say that they also have to face the special needs of their students and/or the disorders they may have as problems? (Scholarship Holder 1).
The activities elaborated in the Program encouraged me to look with a new perspective on teaching/learning. This will allow us a new way of teaching and passing on our knowledge as teachers. The Project has a vision that could be compared with undergraduate courses. For example, I, as a graduate student, think about how to start as a teacher. We're all scared in front of a classroom, I suppose. Fear does not only arise as people in academic training processes but also as citizens who, in the exercise of teaching, should teach and have the responsibility to build knowledge for the improvement of society [...] (Scholarship Holder 2).
Closely monitoring this Program was extremely enlightening and important. It proposes to show the effectiveness of the follow-up and, consequently, the training of the beginner teacher inside the classroom and as a citizen outside of it. I was able to observe the concerns, doubts, and tensions and get to know the pressures and many other challenges of the beginner teacher regarding their work. This showed how much they need mentoring and advice, in addition to respect for their profession and, consequently, respect for their students, who will be the ones who will receive the teachings (Scholarship Holder 3).
It is a fact that the mishaps faced in the initiation to teaching are not few and that each person learns being a teacher with the difficulties and challenges present in the profession. In this sense, the opportunity to get to know the Program emerges as a perspective of training and self-training for all participants, in addition to professional induction for beginner teachers, who were accompanied by experienced teachers.
The formative perspectives are shown in the testimonies of the scholarship holders, who show a feeling of empathy with the experiences and challenges that are entailed in the teaching profession. They recognize that the beginning of their career differs from the idealization they establish at graduation, therefore the teacher's work is marked by conflicts, and difficulties that are beyond the professional, as they are within the scope of public policies or the professional category, for example.
Another aspect cited by the scholarship holders is related to other professional learning, because, when referring to their initiation into teaching as one full of fears, insecurities, doubts, concerns, tensions, and pressures, they demonstrate the possibility of forming themselves by looking at the other (the one who already develops the work in the classroom), which is taken as an example. Training also occupies this cultural place that is formative, of learning to be a teacher based on experiences, the students and the other teachers.
Between idealization and reality, experiencing these extremes in the Mentoring Program, considering the fears and insecurities of beginner teachers, implies questioning, for example, how much the idealization of the profession can impact the career of these teachers. In this sense, the Program presents a perspective of thinking about training that is aligned with the reality of the contexts of Basic Education schools, establishing a constant dialogue between universities and institutions that will be the future field of action of undergraduates.
The teaching profession that was presented to these scholarship holders outside the classroom, but with experiences (narrated/heard) that seem very vivid, took professional induction as that capable of playing the role of making people learn, which awakens curiosities and possibilities to build their careers. In an interview given to Carlota Boto (2018, p. 20), António Nóvoa states:
Teacher training should be thought of in the cycle of professional development: initial training, professional induction, and continuing training. The first responsibility of the University is with the degrees (initial training of teachers). However, it is not possible to conceive training for a profession without, at the same time, thinking about the period of professional integration, namely through teaching residency programs, and the period of professional practice with continuing training programs.
Teaching induction, as a follow-up process for teaching professionals at the beginning of their careers, is also configured as a process of continued education, since in this context teachers learn to practice the profession, constitute themselves as teachers, and improve in this trajectory. This support received becomes an important aspect of teaching construction, thus “[...] we understand that this beginning is an initiation to teaching, it is a construction of teaching; of the ways of being a teacher, of a specific way of doing the pedagogical work, of a particularity concerning the identity constitution” (Ferreira, 2021c, p. 12).
The feelings narrated by the scholarship holders (fears, insecurities, doubts, concerns, tensions, and pressures) make up the repertoire of characteristics of professional initiation (Ferreira, 2020, 2021a, 2021c; Ferreira; Anunciato, 2018a, 2018b; Ferreira; Marinho; Chaves, 2022; Santos, 2019; Santos; Ferreira; Ferraz, 2020). When entering the profession, teachers feel the “weight of responsibility”, as in Scholarship Holder 1's report. This responsibility involves the roles played by teachers, mainly from the perspective of social change.
As for the construction and dissemination of knowledge from the Program, the scholarship holders reported that the program fulfilled its role, as well as the perspective that there was an incentive on the need to build a new look at the teaching and learning process and to disseminate knowledge in the classroom. All this learning was formative for the scholarship holders; in addition to going through their initial training, it configures continued training. They began to think about the teaching profession more broadly, approaching its challenges and difficulties. The Program made it possible for the scholarship holders to get to know the profession and the dynamics of its operation based on the follow-up of the partnership: beginner teacher and mentor teacher. Thus, the Program was successful not only for the subjects directly involved in the induction process (mentor teacher and beginner teacher) but also for the scholarship holders, expanding their understanding of the teaching profession and contributing to the training of these undergraduates.
The complexity involved in teacher training involves the need for a political discussion, the defense of an education geared towards change, valuing teachers' professional knowledge, and better working conditions. We have experienced serious crises concerning the teaching profession, according to Ferreira (2021b), which has greatly affected teacher training, being decisive in choosing this profession or not. Therefore, it is necessary, according to Nóvoa (2012), to return teacher training to teachers, which implies changes in the way of looking at and conducting it.
Even with the limitation of the pandemic and the exceptionality of the context in which the Mentorship Program took place, it did not stop the training and the participation of beginner and experienced teachers. In fact, the online dynamic contributed, in times of health crisis, social isolation, and ERT, to aggregate participants, since it could not be done otherwise, due to the need for social distancing.
3.2 Construction of knowledge
In addition to the formative perspective that reveals learning of the teaching profession, we also have the construction of knowledge from the Online Mentoring Program. This construction was not only experienced by the beginner and experienced teachers that participated but by all those involved in this training, including the scholarship holders.
Construdoc made it possible for me to see the commitment to the other and the sharing of knowledge, where those who know more, the mentor teachers, with a wide range of activities, felt the importance, urgency, and need to smooth the path of others. [...] This Program also allowed me to be in contact with other people, to work as a team, to reflect on my future, and to act assiduously, performing duties together with the Program's guiding professor [...]. A Program like this, which opens up opportunities, allows exchange between peers, supports subjects who are starting to teach and encourages them to stay and resist, promotes the teaching-learning experience, clears our minds in the face of difficulties in the field of action, as well as making us more human (Scholarship Holder 1).
Building teaching is not simply waiting for someone to get up from a fall. It is, above all, reaching out and lifting the other. It's teaching/learning. The name says it all, whose function is to build teachers capable of developing their functions more confidently, through other experiences. [...]. The Mentoring Program (Construdoc) emerged as a new possibility for building knowledge, which enables a mutual exchange, even though it is online, which did not prevent us from meeting new people and how they deal with their experiences in acting as teachers. I, as a student, despite having never actually taught, was amazed at how this exchange can enable the beginner teacher to have a new look at teaching and how to teach, each with its peculiarities and challenges in the classroom, and, especially with this new form of remote teaching. [...] It is/was notorious in the 'meetings' that each one had their own difficulty in developing tasks, either due to the lack of students or the number of them. This showed the importance of exchanging knowledge. Construdoc not only reached Itapetinga, but other regions, and states, this is impressive, because we understand that the difficulty is not restricted to only one group of teachers, from the poorest or most developed state. There are problems and conflicts, and nothing is more beautiful and human than the contribution of this Program to the teaching career. It is necessary, I can say as a 'future teacher', that we are assisted in teaching so that we can develop professionally with contributions from others. When this assistance comes from experienced teachers, perhaps more hope and love for knowledge and a new look at teaching can arise (Scholarship Holder 2).
[...] the importance that the teacher has in the life of any individual is clear, since no profession, however, valued it may be, reaches recognition without going through the teacher. Therefore, I have always questioned myself - and by following it closely I could see - how undervalued teachers are in our society, apart from the verbal and physical aggression that teachers experience in the classroom. Imagine the beginning teacher going through these questions without any experience. Because of this, I am sure how enlightening it was for the teacher participating in this extension program [...]. Learning up close as a scholarship holder about this issue was very enriching (Scholarship Holder 3).
Tardif (2014, p. 35) reports that “[...] all knowledge implies a process of learning and training”. Scholarship holders built knowledge in this training process. This training is configured as continuous, based on an outreach program aimed at professional induction and teacher training that took place in a context of exceptionality, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, therefore demanding the construction of plural knowledge.
Teaching learning also takes place through the construction of knowledge. Scholarship holders experimented with actions that referred to knowledge in the development of the Program. The organizational dynamics of Construdoc is an example of this, in which an experienced teacher helps a beginner teacher, in an act of sharing, support, advice, monitoring, and partnership. Therefore, those with more experience help those who are starting to teach. By encouraging the sharing of knowledge, the Program enabled beginner teachers to acquire new perspectives on the teaching-learning process and on coping with conflicts in the classroom.
Valuing knowledge and building it within the scope of training is an important action in the teaching-learning process. In the Program, the knowledge of beginning and experienced teachers was the starting point for establishing dialogue and learning. Through this extension action, the TPD was promoted and favored with actions of professional induction, training, construction of knowledge, appreciation of experiences, with reflection processes, among others, for all those involved.
Scholarship holders also highlighted that Construdoc reflected the teaching profession and the commitment necessary to carry it out. Extending your hand, an expression that portrays support for teachers, is in line with a perspective of continued education, as beginner teachers have the opportunity to learn from more experienced ones, building confidence in their actions and improving their practices.
The scholarship holders' speeches focused on the complexity of teaching knowledge, which goes beyond knowledge related to subjects and curricula and involves those related to pedagogical practices, reflection on the profession, and sharing and caring for others. Thus, the Program was configured as this formative space for the construction, exchange, and appreciation of this knowledge.
Professional socialization (Almeida; Pimenta; Fusari, 2019), a very evident aspect of the Program, is configured as its structuring axis, as well as a promoter of development, which is not a static process, but in constant movement (Ferreira, 2021c). The participation of scholarship holders in the Program enabled them to learn about incentives, staying in the teaching profession, teamwork, supported work, building new ways of looking at the teaching career, the needs of beginner teachers, the importance of teachers in society, etc.
Therefore, we understand that the data presented here about the UESB Online Mentoring Program show that there was learn teaching on the part of the first scholarship holders of this outreach program. As such, we have evidence that the Program was constituted as a possibility of training and induction during the pandemic, mainly, with the limitations that the health crisis imposed. Thus, it became an “[...] innovative way of training and building knowledge, with priority given to overcoming current challenges” (Ferreira, 2021c, p. 13). Learning from teaching, according to Lucimar Ferreira, Barreto, and Lúcia Ferreira (2021), is learning in constant renewal.
5 Final considerations
In short, the UESB Online Mentorship Program, Itapetinga campus, brought contributions to the initial and continued training of scholarship holders, as well as to the process of understanding the start of teaching. The possibilities built through Construdoc, exposed by the scholarship holders about commitment to the other, sharing knowledge about teaching and how to teach, against the background of the peculiarities of the various subjects involved in the exercise of their profession, allow these future professionals a new look at the teaching-learning process.
Through the scholarship holders' speeches, we found that the Online Mentoring Program significantly impacted the training of participants, promoting reflections on the training process and teaching practice, intrinsic dimensions to contexts of a complex and challenging nature. In addition, Construdoc reverberated in the construction of knowledge, encouraging exchanges of experiences, and sharing knowledge, to strengthen the practice of teachers.
Thinking about the teaching profession - its challenges and difficulties - is a relevant indicator for this Program, since knowing the profession and the dynamics of its functioning, based on monitoring the partnership between a beginner teacher and an experienced teacher, was/is a remarkable experience in this construction/constitution process of being a teacher.
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Received: March 19, 2023; Accepted: June 14, 2023