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Cadernos de Pesquisa
versão impressa ISSN 0100-1574
ROSSETTI-FERREIRA, Maria Clotilde. O apego e as reações da criança à separação da mãe . Cad. Pesqui. [online]. 1984, n.48, pp.03-20. ISSN 0100-1574.
The evolution of the ideas about attachment is presented based on the initial studies about maternal deprivation in which the child's cognitive and affective development was seriously disturbed. However, this cause-effect relationship has been questioned by recent studies which suggest that the lack os physical and social stimulation as well as malnutrition may be responsible for some of the observed effects. By allowing a better control of the variables involved, experimental monkey studies contributed for a better understanding of this problem. Based on the analysis of the reaction of the child to separation in various contexts and situations, the concept of attachment, its functions as well as the factors involved in its development are discussed. The importance of peer interaction for the development of sociability is emphasized. Finally, the relevance of these themes for a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of daycare is suggested
Palavras-chave : Relações mãe-filho; Desenvolvimento cognitivo; Desenvolvimento afetivo; Desnutrição; Creches; Meio Social; Relações criança-criança .