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Cadernos de Pesquisa
versão impressa ISSN 0100-1574
OLIVEIRA, Zilma de Moraes Ramos de e ROSSETTI-FERREIRA, Maria Clotilde. Propostas para o atendimento em creches no município de São Paulo. Cad. Pesqui. [online]. 1986, n.56, pp.39-65. ISSN 0100-1574.
Daycare facilities for zero to six years old children of low income families in the main urban centers of the country have shown a considerable increase in recent years. A serious evaluation of its most relevant aspects is urgently required for redirecting the available resources. This study on the public network of daycare facilities in São Paulo investigated the historical content in which they were created, the various educational proposals designed by the governing bodies and the organization of daycare centers with diverse structures and means of support, in their work with the children.The investigation involved the analysis of official documents and statistical data, as well as visiting some creches, and interviewing their directors and supervisors. Historical changes were observed in the concept of daycare and in the organization of the creches, as implemented by the governing bodies. Various factors could be responsible for thouse changes: the migration to urban centers, trends in the participation of women in the economically active population, the declive of quality of life in large sections of the population, popular movements and, especially, the social policies put forward by the administrative bodies. The various proposals for daycare suggested by the governing bodie can be discussed with respect to the condition of development that they support for the children.
Palavras-chave : Creches; Periferia; Zona urbana; História; Profissionais de educação infantil; Rotina diária; Espaço físico; Planejamento da educação; Pedagogia.