Cadernos de Pesquisa
Print version ISSN 0100-1574
CANDAU, Vera Maria and LEITE, Miriam Soares. A didática na perspectiva multi/intercultural em ação: construindo uma proposta. Cad. Pesqui. [online]. 2007, vol.37, n.132, pp.731-758. ISSN 0100-1574.
This article arises from the 2003-2006 research project "Assigning a New Concept to Instruction, with a Multi/Intercultural Approach", sponsored by the National Council for Research of Brazil. The main goal was to develop and implement an undergraduate instruction course, of an exploratory nature and with a multi/intercultural perspective, inspired on the action-research approach. Ten members of The School Daily Routine Education and Culture Research Group, conducted the research, which lasted one school semester. A broad bibliography, compiled since 1996, was consulted. After a basic description and review of the course, difficulties and challenges regarding the approach are discussed, centering on the following issues: multiple narratives, alterity versus strangement and deconstruction versus resistance. As a conclusion, it was stressed the relevance as well as the complexity of this proposal.
Keywords : Didacts; Teachers Education; Intercultural; Action-Research.