Servicios Personalizados
Educação e Realidade
versión impresa ISSN 0100-3143
FERRI, Cássia y HOSTINS, Regina Célia Linhares. Práticas de seleção e organização do conhecimento nas escolas regulares e especiais. Educ. Real. [online]. 2008, vol.33, n.02, pp.231-251. ISSN 0100-3143.
This paper analyzes the teaching practices of selection and organization of knowledge in regular and special schools, particularly those dedicated to teaching students with a history of mental disability, and seeks to support the teaching practice in the selection and organization of the curricular contents, improving the ability of these students to construct concepts, based on historical and cultural premises. The research involved educators of students with a history of mental disability, from regular and special schools in the Vale do Itajaí region, SC. Teaching-learning situations were analyzed, and meetings held with the subjects involved, to discuss the material collected and offer methodological recommendations to guide the process of conceptual design to be triggered. These students have been excluded from the educational process, due to teaching practices and curricular organizations which hinder and/or impoverish their processes of constructing concepts, and contribute to a negative view of their abilities. The research in question seeks to offer new possibilities for the teaching-learning process of people with a history of mental disability, rethinking the processes of selecting and organizing knowledge.
Palabras clave : Curriculum; Mental Disability; Conceptual Elaboration.