Educação e Realidade
Print version ISSN 0100-3143
LIMA FILHO, Domingos Leite. The PROEJA in construction: facing the political and pedagogical challenges. Educ. Real. [online]. 2010, vol.35, n.01, pp.109-127. ISSN 0100-3143.
This work analyzes the integrated professional education in high school, a policy of the brazilian education ministry in order to encourage the return of young and adult people who have not finished this level of education at the expected age. Insisting upon the political and pedagogical challenges for the construction of this state policy, we have reviewed some aspects of its principles, emphasizing how the proposal of the integration presents itself in the ruling documents of the Education Ministry (MEC) which establish the Programme of Integration of the Basic Education with the Professional Education in the Young and Adult Modality (PROEJA). In the same way, we have investigated how the general rules are developed in one of the states of the country, through the analysis of the guidelines and actions of the Secretary of Education of the Paraná State (SEED-PR) during the 2007/2008 period.
Keywords : High School; Vocational Education; Youth and Adult Education; Integrated Curriculum; Educational Policy.