Educação e Realidade
Print version ISSN 0100-3143
PEREIRA, Júnia Sales. Dialogues About Teaching: reception of the laws 10.639/03 e 11.645/08. Educ. Real. [online]. 2011, vol.36, n.01, pp.147-172. ISSN 0100-3143.
The text presents ponderations about the role of practice research as formative elements for teaching, having as focus the interest in knowing and discussing what teachers from Basic Education say about the reception of Law 11.645/08 (which alters the Law 10.639/03). The text is based on reflections about teaching of History through the dialogue with authors of the Anthropology field and of language studies. The focus is on the formative value of the reflection about the polysemy found in the processes of reception and practice of the recent legislation concerning teaching of history in environments of sharing doubts, dilemmas, and perspectives, that are present in the school in such context.
Keywords : Teaching in History; Reception of the Law 11.645/08.