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Educação e Realidade

versión impresa ISSN 0100-3143


ROCHA, Maria Silvia Pinto de Moura Librandi da; PASQUAL, Marina Leme  y  FERREIRA, Mayara Carrijo. Brincadeiras no Ensino Fundamental: pistas para a formação de professoras. Educ. Real. [online]. 2012, vol.37, n.01, pp.213-231. ISSN 0100-3143.

We present part of the results of a research developed in 2008, in two municipal public schools in a town in the state of São Paulo, with the aim of identifying whether and how play activities have been included in the curricula of the first years of the new Brazilian Primary Education. Here, we present the results of the observations of two parent-teacher meetings, analyzing the teachers’ conceptions about play and its inclusion in school everyday life. With the analytical quantitative study, we evidence the non-homogeneity of the construction of Primary Education (even in schools from the same region and with the same administrative structure) and problematize the ways teachers approach play activities, focusing on important aspects to support their training.

Palabras clave : Nine Years of Primary Schooling; Play Activity; Teacher; Training.

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