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vol.37 issue02Pesquisar com os cotidianos: os múltiplos contextos vividos pelos/as alunos/asTecendo a colcha de retalhos: a bricolagem como alternativa para a pesquisa educacional author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Educação e Realidade

Print version ISSN 0100-3143


LUCA, Andréa Quirino de; ANDRADE, Daniel Fonseca de  and  SORRENTINO, Marcos. O diálogo como objeto de pesquisa na educação ambiental. Educ. Real. [online]. 2012, vol.37, n.02, pp.589-606. ISSN 0100-3143.

This article approaches the concept of dialogue as a research object in environmental education, to collaborate with other research and also practices in the field. The article points out the necessity to create dialogue indicators as well as of a deeper enquiry into existing ones. Also, the article articulates the concept of dialogue with the concept of interpretive and learning communities, which are spaces to practice and experience environmental education processes, as in some Brazilian EE public policies. In the end, it argues that participatory methodologies, mainly interventional ones, are appropriate to promote deeper inquiries into theoretical and practical aspects of dialogue.

Keywords : Environmental Education; Dialogue; Conflicts; Interpretatative and Learning Communities.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )