Educação e Realidade
Print version ISSN 0100-3143On-line version ISSN 2175-6236
BONIN, Iara Tatiana; RIPOLL, Daniela; WORTMANN, Maria Lúcia Castagna and SANTOS, Luis Henrique Sacchi dos. Why Cultural Studies?. Educ. Real. [online]. 2020, vol.45, n.2, e100356. Epub June 16, 2020. ISSN 2175-6236.
In this text it is argued that the vitality of Cultural Studies is in its openness and receptivity to promote varied conceptual and theoretical articulations. In order to deepen the analysis on the productive encounter between Cultural Studies and education, this article makes a survey of researchs on nature and, also, of those themes dedicated to indigenous and afro-Brazilians. It is done in order to indicate theoretical articulations, investigative paths and points of attention promoted by researchers identified with this articulatory field. As part of a broader ethical-political project, it is observed that these studies question essentialisms, fundamentalisms, eurocentrisms, racisms, and point to possible forms of political-academic resistance.
Keywords : Cultural Studies; Nature Studies; Ethnic-Racial Relationships.