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vol.38 número1La formación de profesores en las investigaciones nacionales y extranjeras : tendencias y desafíosImplicaciones de la opción metodol ógica por el materialismo histórico - dialéctico en la producci ón académica del Centro Oeste del Brasil índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Inter Ação

versión impresa ISSN 0101-7136


BERNARDES, Sueli Teresinha de Abreu; MARQUES, Fernanda Telles  y  BATISTA, Gustavo Araújo. Qualitative approach to educational research: a report on production in the Triângulo Mineiro. Rev. Inter Ação [online]. 2013, vol.38, n.1, pp.129-143. ISSN 0101-7136.

This article is part of the research activities in academic production on the teacher, drawn up by REDECENTRO. It sets out to present the types of research and procedures involved in dissertations defended from 2006 to 2007 in Post-Graduate Programs in Education at two universities in the Triângulo Mineiro. As it was restricted to research with a qualitative approach, it used authors, such as Chizzotti (2006; 2010), Weber (1989), Martins (1994) and Brandão (2003) as a theoretical background. Analysis sheets were used in order to determine what types of research and procedures predominated during the period in question. The results point to the predominance of research in this period of a qualitative nature and the convergence of theoreticalmethodological references.

Palabras clave : Teacher; Educational Research; Qualitative Approach; Interinstitutional Study.

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