Inter Ação
Print version ISSN 0101-7136
OLIVEIRA, João Ferreira de. Policies for science, technology and innovation, graduate education and the production of knowledge in Brazil. Rev. Inter Ação [online]. 2013, vol.38, n.2, pp.323-338. ISSN 0101-7136.
This study examines the production of knowledge in Brazil, and highlights the policies, programs and actions implemented by the federal government, especially since the 1990s. To do so, policies for graduate education and science, technology and innovation are analyzed form the point of view of their impact on the production of knowledge. The study shows that there is concern and an increasingly globalized agenda for the production of knowledge, which in Brazil is shown through the policies implemented in the field, with a pronounced emphasis on innovation and knowledge applied to processes and products in the different production chains, especially in the industrial sector. The changes taking place have implications for autonomy, for the universe and for the social purposes of the university, as well as for academic work in general.
Keywords : Science and Technology; Production of Knowledge; Graduate Education.