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Inter Ação
versión impresa ISSN 0101-7136
SANTANA, Otacílio Antunes y PETROVA, Yekaterina. Playfulness in normality teaching in a forest environment. Rev. Inter Ação [online]. 2016, vol.41, n.3, pp.525-543. ISSN 0101-7136.
The purpose of this work was to apply the explicit pedagogy with playful learning in a forest context to seek consolidation of knowledge about the study of normality and the interdisciplinary net that the content requires for its comprehension. The predetermined game was based on sampling of forest biometrics variables, by secondary student groups, where the first group that reached the normal distribution (D'Agostino K, 1970) in the collected data set would win the round. Licentiate undergraduate students were supervisors and mediators of groups. After planning, the playful interaction and evaluations, the educational action used proved to be a path to motivational engagement and consolidation of knowledge in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary net.
Palabras clave : Explicit Pedagogy; Game-Problem; Scientific Literacy; Didactics of Mathematics.