Educação em Revista
Print version ISSN 0102-4698
LOPES, Eliane Marta S. Teixeira and BICALHO, Marly Gonçalves. Colégios religiosos femininos e masculinos em Minas Gerais: um mapeamento ainda provisório. Educ. Rev. [online]. 1993, n.17, pp.47-55. ISSN 0102-4698.
ABSTRACT The lack of a complete list of religious schools based in Minas Gerais has been appointed as a major obstacle in the advancement of research about male and female education in Minas. This work intends to be a first step towards the identification of religious institutions in Minas Gerais. The methodological option for a quantitative and indicative study to locate and to map the religious schools in Minas allowed the production of a table with enough data to provide a frame of reference concerning the education of men and women in our state. This table will give support to those who intend to further inquire into female and male education in Minas Gerais, or still, be of assistance for those who want to understand the educational role of the Catholic Church.