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Educação em Revista
versão impressa ISSN 0102-4698
SILVEIRA, Lizete Scalzilli da. O lugar social da licenciatura. Educ. Rev. [online]. 1998, n.28, pp.79-94. ISSN 0102-4698.
The article in question presents the results of a research focusing college history students concerning their option for a teaching major. The article is organized in seven sections: the first points out the discussion of the students option for a teaching major in History; the second shows a profile of the students surveyed; the third reviews their family social origins, academic achievement level and cultural background; the fourth identifies their parents projects towards their education; the fifth describes their school life; the sixth brings out the social significance of a teaching position as a life long carreer and the present social value of teaching; the seventh and last section discusses the social and professional conditions in a teaching carreer.
Palavras-chave : Teaching Major; Teaching as a Profession; School Lives; Planning on Family Schooling.