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 número45Efeito-escola e estratificação escolar: o impacto da composição de turmas por nível de habilidade dos alunosEscola Normal Rural e seu impresso estudantil índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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SILVA, Leandro Palis  e  CECILIO, Sálua. A mudança no modelo de ensino e de formação na engenharia. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2007, n.45, pp.61-80. ISSN 0102-4698.

The accelerated development of the industry not only make that the professional market demands more and more from the workers qualification and efficiency, but it requests a retaking of the relationships among that scenery and the one that it is put as teaching model and of the engineers' formation. It is, then, the discussion on how the changings presented by the society have been contemplating in the process of the engineering professional’s formation, and vice versa. The purpose of this article is to present an abbreviation analysis of as the change of the professional market it is influencing the engineers' formation. The teaching in the engineerings is still distant of an appropriate model. In order to an improvement, it is necessary a changing in the model of traditional teaching, based in the professionals' experiences. It is not possible to suppose immediately that those measured and the absorption of the competence notion for the education institutions is simply a reflex of the world of working. The incorporation of the changes is slow and it depends on factors that goes beyond the extent of the school. They are in the dependence of the public politics that guide the teachers’ formation and of the resources related to the institutions that will to turn operating.

Palavras-chave : Model of Formation; Teaching Engineering; Change.

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