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versão impressa ISSN 0102-4698
FERREIRA, Márcia Ondina Vieira. Desconforto e invisibilidade: representações sobre relações de gênero entre sindicalistas docentes. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2008, n.47, pp.15-40. ISSN 0102-4698.
This paper analyzes the representations of gender relations in education and the trajectories of CPERS/SINDICATO (the Teachers’ Union - 24th Section) board members. It takes up discussions on issues such as teaching feminization, proletariatization, and union affiliation and emphasizes that the discussions on the impact of gender relations on the teachers' work carried out at unions and the academia are characterized by a certain weakness. The following aspects are examined as well: schooling as a familial strategy of social ascension, resistance to talking about gender relations, tendency of women to criticize male behavior in class and in labor activism, and the tendency of men to valorize female activities.
Palavras-chave : Gender; Teachers’ Work; Teachers’ Union.