Educação em Revista
Print version ISSN 0102-4698
PELLIZZONI, Gisela Marques and MIRANDA, Sonia Regina. De relicários a janelas: objetos materiais como mensageiros da (investig)ação escolar. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2008, n.47, pp.197-216. ISSN 0102-4698.
This paper discusses the pedagogical potential of the production of material cultural objects and the promotion of their circulation between the school and the students' families. This is an account of an experimental research carried out as part of a Master's degree in the broad area of popular culture at school. We will focus on the course of a number of boxes containing mnemonic objects produced and selected by the children themselves and the extent to which these objects were accepted and reinterpreted by the families.
Keywords : History Teaching; Popular Culture; Memory; Cultural Objects.