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Educação em Revista
versão impressa ISSN 0102-4698
AMARILLA FILHO, Porfírio. Educação a distância: uma abordagem metodológica e didática a partir dos ambientes virtuais. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2011, vol.27, n.02, pp.41-71. ISSN 0102-4698.
This article is about the influence of virtual environments in Long Distance Education: its demands, the techno-educational relations and the prior needs required in the process of education and learning that takes place in these environments. From an analysis of the virtual environment concept and the implications that its influence imposes to the teach-learning process, we analyze some methodology and didactic implications applied to this kind of educational project. So we propose a reflection on the concept of Long Distance Education, from the understanding of the domains of education, the teacher and the student, based upon the challenges that this new technology presents to this modality of education.
Palavras-chave : Education in Long-Distance; Education; Virtual Education; Methodology of Education.