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versão impressa ISSN 0102-4698
LIMA, Marteana Ferreira de e JIMENEZ, Susana Vasconcelos. O complexo da educação em Lukács: uma análise à luz das categorias trabalho e reprodução social. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2011, vol.27, n.02, pp.73-94. ISSN 0102-4698.
The study discusses the education complex in the context of Lukács' Ontology of the Social Being. First and foremost, it indicates the place of education in the social reproduction process, in whose dynamics, such complex maintains with labor, an ontological dependency and a relative autonomy kind of rapport. It points out that, if, in a lato sense, education represents a universal complex, committed to guarantee that the objectivities which constitute the human gender are appropriated by each individual, it does not hover above social totality, indeed, connecting itself, in a strict sense, to the needs of a class society. From this perspective, Lukacsian analysis allows for the conclusion that, although pushed towards the reproduction of private accumulation and man by man exploitation under the capital system, education may also represent a field for the activation of teleological positions aiming the human emancipation.
Palavras-chave : Lukács; Education; Social Reproduction.