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versão impressa ISSN 0102-4698
PINHEIRO, Petrilson Alan. A era do "multissinóptico": que (novos) letramentos estão em jogo?. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2014, vol.30, n.02, pp.137-160. ISSN 0102-4698.
The objective of this paper is, first of all, to promote an epistemological discussion about the current socio-historical moment that it is named herein as "multi-synopticon". At this particular moment, not only few watch many (panopticon), many watch few (synopticon), but also, at the same time, many watch many by means of a continuous multi-interaction among people all over the world, through the Internet. Such discussion is a reflection on the ways in which the current era of the "multi-synopticon" - by means of changes brought by internet and, particularly, by the Web 2.0 - does not only bring crucial transformations for knowledge and power issues on/by means of the cyberspace, but also enables, particularly, to rethink issues related to school literacy practices, when searching to promote a relationship with the concepts of "multi-literacies" and "critical literacies" and their implications for school in contemporaneity.
Palavras-chave : Multi-Synopticon; Multiliteracies; Critical Literacies; Internet; School.