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versão impressa ISSN 0102-4698
SCARINCI, Anne L. e PACCA, Jesuína L. A.. THE TEACHING PLAN IN A TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2015, vol.31, n.2, pp.253-279. ISSN 0102-4698.
A considerable problem to be faced by teacher development programs is how to develop actions in teacher education, which overcome the dichotomy theory-practice. In a teacher's professional development program with such intentions, we analyzed how the educator conducted learning on the content about lesson planning, relating his actions to how the more general objectives of the program were met. We observed that the emergence of a theme came from an expressed need formulated by the teacher through an account of her practice. The conduction of the discussion, by the educator, was described in four phases, from phase 1 - opening space for the appearance of the problem, until phase 4 - a closure that synthesized the knowledge acquired. The educator departed from the participant teachers' practice, initiated the episodes with the attitude of listening to the teacher and maintained actions coherent with the desired pedagogical practice that he wanted to teach. The research disclosed meaningful traces of professional development, located in specific, pertinent and appropriate performances of the teacher, before classroom situations.
Palavras-chave : Teacher professional development; Teacher education; Constructivism; Reflection about practice..