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versão impressa ISSN 0102-4698versão On-line ISSN 1982-6621
LENHARO, Rayane Isadora e CRISTOVAO, Vera Lúcia Lopes. PODCAST, SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AND DEVELOPMENT. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2016, vol.32, n.1, pp.307-335. ISSN 1982-6621.
This paper aimed to analyze the interaction between English teachers in continuing education and the media podcast as a tool in the process of teaching and learning English language. The data analyzed is derived from the transcription of a course focused on the use of technology applied to foreign languages' teaching. Our study is based on Bronckart's Social Discursive Interactionism and on the implications from the use of new technologies as tools that stimulate social participation. In a broader context, the interaction among the in-service teachers was based on Sinclair and Coulthard's IRA sequences. At the level of the context of production, the participants' acts were classified according to three categories. The results show that there is little engagement from the teachers, as they rarely initiate IRA sequences. In addition, the data reveal the existence of resistance in the teachers' learning concerning the "new technologies" issue.
Palavras-chave : Text genres; Continuing education; Sociodiscursive Interactionism; Podcast.