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vol.32 issue3PUBLIC SCHOOLS' ACCESS TO circuito LIBERDADE: A PILOT PROJECT'S ANALYSIS author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Print version ISSN 0102-4698On-line version ISSN 1982-6621


GALVEZ, Gabriel Villalón  and  BLANCH, Joan Pagès. HISTORY TEACHING PRACTICE BASED ON PURPOSES TO TEACH: MARIANA'S CASE. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2016, vol.32, n.3, pp.349-371. ISSN 1982-6621.

This paper explores how a teacher's conscience about teaching purposes can strengthen decision-making in practice. Investigation has followed Barton and Levstik (2004), that indicate that if teachers have clear goals for their actions in class, they can develop more effective history practices. The research was conducted from the qualitative paradigm through the design of a case study. To collect data we used questionnaires, interviews and video recording. For the practice's analysis, we have built an observation framework of classes that includes four dimensions: fundaments for teaching; transformation; teaching connection and coherence; and attention to the student's history knowledge. The analysis was centered in the first dimension. Results show that purposes' awareness allows teachers make more consistent decisions when teaching, as shown by their practice's fundaments.

Keywords : History teaching; Practice; Purposes; History Teacher..

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