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versión impresa ISSN 0102-4698versión On-line ISSN 1982-6621
NAU, Bruna y BORGES, Martha Kaschny. CARTOGRAPHIES TEACHERS IN CYBERSPACE. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2017, vol.33, e158663. Epub 18-Jul-2017. ISSN 1982-6621.
Information and Communication Digital Technologies - ICDT are present in the society ubiquitously, mobile and pervasive and mobilize changes in the relationship between humans and nonhumans. Facing this background and ICDT inclusive policies in education, through the construction of virtual navigation cartography we sought to understand effective teaching practices of using digital technologies at school, in order to contribute to the reflection on training of teachers. The cartography design, analyzed in the light of Actor-Network Theory, was a sensitive tool to view the dominant linearity of teacher’s movements in cyberspace. The observed use show that educational policy and continuing education need to observe and consider the translations teachers made in school everyday, transforming the inefficient practices for learning and bringing teachers closer to the knowledge and skills considered essential for qualified pedagogical use of technologies.
Palabras clave : Actor-Network Theory; Cartography; Teachers; Navigation Routes; Information and Communication Digital Technologies..