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Educação em Revista
versión impresa ISSN 0102-4698versión On-line ISSN 1982-6621
FREITAS, Gisele Marcia de Oliveira; CAVALCANTE, Társio Ribeiro; AMORIM, Antonio y FREITAS, Katia Siqueira de. PRACTICE OF YOUTH AND ADULT EDUCATION MANAGEMENT IN SOCIAL SERVICE INDUSTRY IN THE STATE OF BAHIA. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2018, vol.34, e185697. Epub 20-Sep-2018. ISSN 1982-6621.
This article resulted from qualitative and quantitative research about the practice of youth and adult education (EJA) management, offered by Social Service for Industry (SESI), in the state of Bahia. The main goal was to investigate how the practice and dominant style of management occurred in that context, based on the points of view of the subjects involved. The theoretical framework included Amorim (2012), Barbosa (1995), Campos (2004), Castro (1998), Cury (2002), Diniz - Pereira (2006), Freitas and Pilla (2006), Gadotti and Romão (2004), Libâneo (2001), Lück et al (2012), among others. As results, the subjects investigated declared that participation in managerial and pedagogical practices is fundamental for the establishment of democratic and participative managerial actions. They enlarge and strengthen managerial quality inside the organization.
Palabras clave : Education management; Youth and Adult education; SESI Bahia.