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vol.23 issue02Policies for teacher education in Brazil: the traps of teacher training reformsTo decipher texts in order to understand policies: theoretical methodological support for document analysis author indexsubject indexarticles search
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CORREIA, José Alberto. Contributions to the construction of "educational narratives" of the left. Perspectiva [online]. 2005, vol.23, n.02, pp.407-426. ISSN 0102-5473.

This text intends to contribute to the construction of alternative educational narratives. After suggesting that current educational problems are simply new versions of old educational problems, two such problems are analyzed: the contribution of education to citizenship and the management of education as a public good. The paper recognizes that the current crises in schooling cannot be overcome through increased schooling. It criticizes the presumption that the market can offer more effective and equitable management of education. Four dominions are chosen for intervention that are relevant to the formulation of these narratives.

Keywords : Citizenship; Education; Technological Innovations; Democratization of Education.

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