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vol.26 número01Educar, ocupar, vigilar: alcances y limites de un programa para jóvenes pobres índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0102-5473


SUASSUNA, Lívia. Qualitative research in education and language: history and validation of the indicative paradigm. Perspectiva [online]. 2008, vol.26, n.01, pp.341-377. ISSN 0102-5473.

This theoretical study is part of doctoral research in Linguistics at the University at Campinas. It is specifically an adaptation of a chapter concerning qualitative research in education that justifies the option for the indicative paradigm for the study of phenomenon in the field of institutional evaluation and learning in language. The paper is divided in six parts: a characterization of the classic scientific paradigm; a brief history of the crisis of the classic paradigm; a conceptual discussion of quantitative research; the existing inter-relations between the quantitative and qualitative aspects of educational research, a commentary on the data and the analytic procedures; a specific approach to the indicative paradigm, with an indication of its pertinence and relevance to educational research as a whole and for the treatment of language phenomenon within the school.

Palabras clave : Educational Research; Qualitative Research; Education and Language Research.

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