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vol.29 número01Avaliação e responsabilização pelos resultados: atualizações nas formas de gestão de professoresA frágil confiabilidade do tribunal de contas de Santa Catarina na fiscalização dos recursos da educação: governo estadual deixou de aplicar mais de R$ 2,1 bilhões em educação de 1998 a 2008 mas TC aprovou as contas estaduais índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0102-5473


FLORES, Maria Assunção. Trends and tensions in the work of teachers: reflections on the voices of teachers. Perspectiva [online]. 2011, vol.29, n.01, pp.161-191. ISSN 0102-5473.

This paper reflects on the work of teachers’ by drawing upon the voices of teachers who participated in a broad study conducted in Portugal. Based upon their perspectives and existing literature on the topic, the paper explores a number of dimensions of and trends in teachers’ work, namely increased bureaucracy, intensification, and control; the “pressure to perform” and accountability, and the increased surveillance and public scrutiny of schools and teachers’ work. The paper is based on an ongoing study into the effects of recent policies, namely those relating to teacher performance appraisal and the status of the teaching career, on teachers’ work. Data was collected at two Portuguese schools. The paper concludes with reflections on the effects of recent trends on the ways teachers experience their profession, especially concerning their motivation to remain in teaching or to leave the profession, and also considers the emotional dimension.

Palavras-chave : Teacher’s Work; Professionalism; Professional Identity.

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