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versión impresa ISSN 0102-5473
MAGALHAES, António. Cenários, dilemas e caminhos da educação superior européia. Perspectiva [online]. 2011, vol.29, n.02, pp.623-647. ISSN 0102-5473.
On the basis of a futures study made by CHEPS, this paper discusses the maps of the scenarios of the future and the present dilemmas of European higher education (HE). The analysis of the scenarios focuses on the political governance of mass HE, the meanings of HE itself and encourages a critical approach to the assumption that there is no alternative. The goal it is not to identify a grand-narrative promoting a privileged solution for the development of HE, but rather to map out positions and to contribute to the debate about the choices that HE is being confronted to.
Palabras clave : Higher Education; Futures Studies; Higher Education Policies.