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vol.30 issue03Terceiro setor, teoria das organizações e qualidade na educaçãoPropostas de tempo integral: a que se destina a ampliação do tempo escolar? author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Print version ISSN 0102-5473


SAGRILLO, Daniele Rorato; PEREIRA, Sueli Menezes  and  ZIENTARSKI, Clarice. O espaço da escola na formação continuada de professores: lócus de conquistas ou mera formalidade?. Perspectiva [online]. 2012, vol.30, n.03, pp.1045-1072. ISSN 0102-5473.

This study reflects on the continuing education of working teachers, with the field of analysis a municipal school in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State. This is a case study, conducted with document research and interviews with teachers and administrators. Their statements indicate that the allocation of time for the continued education of the school teachers studied is given secondary importance to bureaucratic issues, which limits the autonomy of the school and its advances in meeting collective needs. The contradictions identified in continuing education, which result from conflicting interests, can simultaneously represent limiting aspects that subordinate education to the system of capitalist production. But they are also stimulants of transformations, because they encourage dialog, autonomy, participation and critical reading.

Keywords : Continuing Teacher Education; Participation of Teachers; School Autonomy.

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