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vol.30 número03O impacto das concepções de desenvolvimento infantil nas práticas pedagógicas em salas de aula para crianças menores de três anosHistória da cidade nas narrativas de jovens escolarizados: a relação entre consciência histórica e identidade índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0102-5473


SUASSUNA, Lívia. Elementos para a prática da avaliação em língua portuguesa. Perspectiva [online]. 2012, vol.30, n.03, pp.1125-1151. ISSN 0102-5473.

This article, based on the theoretical concept of language as discourse and on a methodological approach that links the teaching of Brazilian Portuguese to the practices of reading, textual production and linguistic analysis, presents elements to discuss the evaluation of the learning process in this field of knowledge. We first conduct a historical retrospective of the established assessment practices in this field and then characterize the process of discourse production; emphasizing its constitutive elements and showing some of its implications for working with language in the classroom. The article concludes by showing the principles that guide the evaluations of reading, text production and metalinguistic reflection at elementary schools.

Palabras clave : Educational Evaluation; Evaluation of Learning of Brazilian Portuguese; Brazilian Portuguese Education.

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