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versão impressa ISSN 0102-5473
SANTOS, Jean Mac Cole Tavares; PEREIRA, Milene Rejane e RODRIGUES, Érica Renata Clemente. Violência na escola: considerações a partir da formação docente. Perspectiva [online]. 2013, vol.31, n.02, pp.573-590. ISSN 0102-5473.
We present results of research conducted with undergraduate students of Pedagogy UERN about the phenomenon of school violence. We take as a theoretical concept for questioning the studies of Andrade, Aquino, Abramovay and Rua, Araújo, Charlot, Bauman and Freire. We discuss the various concepts of violence at school. To grasp the concepts students on the subject, interviewed twenty-eight graduates seeking to relate their understanding of the phenomenon with the studies on the subject. We think, with them, that teachers should share their knowledge to manage conflicts of school violence through dialogue, the social relationship of teaching and learning.
Palavras-chave : Lack of Discipline in School; Violence; Pedagogy; Teacher Training.