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MELLO, Suely Amaral  and  SINGULANI, Renata Aparecida Dezo. The Pikler-Loczy approach and the cultural-historical perspective: the little child as a subject in relations. Perspectiva [online]. 2014, vol.32, n.3, pp.879-900. ISSN 0102-5473.

The understanding that human development proceeds from life experiences and education leads us to seek ways to promote this development. As we study the culturalhistorical theory, we realize the complexity of this process that involves the formation of human personality beginning from the first contacts of the child with the world around. At the same time, professionals and researchers on early childhood education seek to understand how this process takes place when children are still very little. It can be seen in cultural historical theory a set of guidelines for producing a new practice with small children who, in general, assume the role of objects of adults' work and not of personalities being formed by experiences they live. When we consider the characteristics of the practices that can arise from these theoretical guidelines, we think of the Pikler-Loczy Institute educational work and consider that its practices may mediate the culturalhistorical theory guidelines. That's what this article is all about. With it we seek an approach between the educational practices of the Pikler-Loczy Institute for toddlers developed in Hungary since the 1940s and the theory developed by Vygotsky and his collaborators around the 1920s, in the then Soviet Union. Our perspective is to seek mediations which help implement the theory, so that the socio-historical approach to human development can take place starting in early childhood education.

Keywords : Early Childhood Education; Theory-Practice Relation; Socio-Cultural-Historical Theory.

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