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vol.32 issue3The Pikler-Loczy approach and the cultural-historical perspective: the little child as a subject in relationsRe-constructing culture in cooperation mediated by the Portuguese Modern School Movement's early childhood pedagogy author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Print version ISSN 0102-5473


PARKER-REES, Rod  and  SINGULANI, Renata Aparecida Dezo. From us to you to me: the coconstruction of identity in early interactions. Perspectiva [online]. 2014, vol.32, n.3, pp.901-917. ISSN 0102-5473.

From a cultural historical perspective, the relationship between the interpsychic processes of 'public' social interaction and the intrapsychic processes of 'private' thought are complex and reciprocal. While we can say that identity emerges out of a primary 'we' state, we can also argue that we are only able to develop self-awareness because we internalize forms of interaction which are first experienced between people. In this paper we will consider how the co-construction of identity can be understood in terms of a developing ability to participate in the flow of information afforded by social interactions. We argue that social interactions provide opportunities to learn much more about other people (and about ourselves) than is accessible to our conscious awareness.

Keywords : Childhood; Identity; Internalisation.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )