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FOLQUE, Maria Assunção. Re-constructing culture in cooperation mediated by the Portuguese Modern School Movement's early childhood pedagogy. Perspectiva [online]. 2014, vol.32, n.3, pp.951-975. ISSN 0102-5473.

In this article, we seek to rethink the role of pre-school and the teacher in their relation with the children and the society, using cultural-historical and activity theories. We use the concept of cooperative reconstruction of culture, one of the aims of the Portuguese Modern School Movement, seeking to explain and analyses its pedagogical model in early childhood education. Based on the research conducted either by academics, or by educators belonging to this teacher's movement, we focused on the core elements of this pedagogy. These elements, in the light of the theoretical framework above, seek to contribute to linking school to culture, understanding children institution´s as a space for cultural and social regeneration, where the curricula emerges from a cooperative management and communication circuits revitalize human encounters, in a mutual construction of meanings and learning. The analysis of empirical data also allows drawing directions not yet taken towards a redefinition of educational practices in early childhood.

Keywords : Childhood Education; Pedagogy and Education; Culture and Education.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )