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versión impresa ISSN 0102-5473
AGOSTINHO, Kátia Adair. The complexity of children participation in early childhood education. Perspectiva [online]. 2014, vol.32, n.3, pp.1127-1143. ISSN 0102-5473.
The present study supports the inclusion and participation of children in daycare and preschool for the production of spaces of democratic education that counter social exclusion and contribute in the production and consolidation of a society of social rights claim. Children's participation remains largely to be achieved, a challenge that must be faced in its contradictions, dilemmas and theoretical, social and political paradoxes. By deepening this theme we understand its theoretical complexity, and it is on this complexity this text dwells. The discussion of children's participation for democratic education intersects with a number of important concepts that need to be investigated, understood and connected, so we can rely on generational contributions in the effectiveness of education advocated here, that win adult-focused models and not may waive the theoretical production of inclusive approaches. Children as subjects of knowledge and producers of meaning have "voice", the forms of communication and relationship they use to express themselves are legitimate and, in so doing, they contribute to the renewal and reproduction of the contexts in which they participate when there is anyone interested to hear their voices. It is important to recognize the different forms of participation of young children based on their cultural patterns and their daily practices, on issues that are significant to them and concern them.
Palabras clave : Childhood; Childhood Education; Children Rights.