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OLIVEIRA, Amurabi Pereira de. Theoretical and methodological challenges of teaching sociology in high school. Perspectiva [online]. 2014, vol.32, n.3, pp.1019-1044. ISSN 0102-5473.

With the process of reintroduction of Sociology in Basic Education in 2008 much has been debated about the teaching of this science in schools. However, due to the very absence of a tradition of sociology in the school curriculum, the discussion is still incipient and limited to a small community of researchers. One of the relevant issues that emerge on this new picture is what are the challenges in the teaching practice for the teacher of Sociology. Thus, we aim to contribute to this discussion through an articulate reflection on two levels: the first refers to the theoretical challenges, the second to the methodological challenges of teaching Sociology. For this purpose we used mainly the work of Giddens to understand the relationship between sociological knowledge and common sense, question which in our view is of utmost relevance for the Teaching of Sociology within school reality. In this paper we draw attention to the fact that the proximity to common sense opens up a field of possibilities, but also constitutes a challenge for the teacher, considering the "double hermeneutic" sociology, which is present in both theoretical and methodological levels.

Keywords : Teaching of Sociology; Teaching Practice; Methodology of Teaching.

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